Our Greek Orzo Pasta Salad with Feta is a winning combination. This fresh greek pasta salad is great for a quick lunch or serve it with grilled chicken for a hearty dinner. This greek orzo salad is made with fresh tomatoes, cucumbers, peppers and onions. Feta is...
This easy Sheet Pan Roasted Harissa Chicken is a flavorful, roasted chicken recipe that requires just 5 minutes of prep time. Use this classic recipe for a simple twist to your regular chicken recipe. It can be added to salads, bowls, and more! What Is Harissa...
This Roasted Veggie Bowl with Green Tahini Sauce is a bright, colorful meal full of antioxidants, fiber, and flavor! Toss everything in the oven, blend your sauce and lunch is served. The vegetables in this delicious bowl include broccoli, cauliflower, carrots and red...
This Easy Niçoise Salad is a protein packed, hearty salad made with canned tuna or salmon and served alongside fresh vegetables. This Niçoise salad is made with green beans, fresh tomatoes, soft-boiled eggs, olives, artichoke hearts, and topped with a delicious...
The Mediterranean diet is a healthy, budget-friendly, and delicious eating pattern. Check out our top tips for following the Mediterranean diet on a budget and keeping up with your health goals. Eating healthy and delicious foods while following the Mediterranean diet...