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Mediterranean Diet

Recipes & Lifestyle Tips

Hi, I’m Pam, a registered dietitian and culinary nutritionist. Let me show you how to make delicious food that also happens to be good for you!


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The Mediterranean Diet has been rated the top diet by the US NEWS & WORLD REPORT for the past 7 years.

[Cover] A Step-by-Step Guide to Starting the Mediterranean Diet

Free Step-by-Step Guide to Starting the Mediterranean Diet

Use this checklist to know the exact steps to take to transition to the Mediterranean Diet, or to gain more direction with your current efforts.

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[Cover] A Step-by-Step Guide to Starting the Mediterranean Diet

What is the Mediterranean Diet and Why is It So Effective?

 The Mediterranean diet is a sustainable and holistic way of eating that incorporates healthy food, quality time with friends & family, regular movement and mindful living. This eating pattern puts food first, so you’ll enjoy delicious, real and whole foods–fruits, vegetables, whole grains, lean proteins, and healthy fat– that nourish your body and mind. Plus you still get to enjoy a glass of wine? Enough said!

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It’s much more than a diet.

It’s a pattern of eating and way of life that emphasizes good food, family and living fully.

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It’s not complicated.

No counting calories or cutting out entire food groups. Enjoy food and feel good doing it.

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It’s works for weight loss.

And reducing the risk heart disease, cancer, Alzheimer’s, and Parkinson’s.

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It puts food first.

So you’ll enjoy delicious, real and whole foods that nourish your body and mind.

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Join Our Online Course, Living Fully Mediterranean

We have a course solely dedicated to helping you live and thrive on the Mediterranean diet.

Learn why our course is so unique, what’s included in the modules, the community you’ll get to join, and the lifelong skills you’ll walk away with.

Explore Our Mediterranean Lifestyle Resources

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Fully Mediterranean is where food, family, and living fully come together.

It is time to think fully about wellness. Eating healthy and enjoying meals with family and friends is associated with greater life satisfaction and fulfillment. Therefore, the best place to start on your journey to health is in your own kitchen!

At Fully Mediterranean, our mission is to get people back into the kitchen to achieve lifelong health and to have fun while doing it! Our goal is to give you the confidence to make realistic and sustainable food and lifestyle choices that will positively influence all areas of your life.

 Meet Our Founder Pam

Hi, I’m Pam Fullenweider! I am a registered dietitian nutritionist, specializing in the Mediterranean Diet.  I grew up with a love for cooking from my mother and grandmother. Celebrating with food and family has always been a big part of my life and cooking for family and friends is one of my favorite things to do. I’m passionate about helping people discover that enjoying good food and taking care of your health aren’t mutually exclusive. I’ve found that introducing my clients to the principles of the Mediterranean diet is the key to long-term health and wellbeing. 

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Cooking Classes & Events

Explore our mix of regularly scheduled live, online cooking classes and private cooking classes for groups and parties. You can cook from the comfort of your own home while learning new skills and delicious recipes.

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Blog & Recipes

Top Mediterranean Fast Food Meal Choices At Common Chains

Top Mediterranean Fast Food Meal Choices At Common Chains

Let's explore some of the top Mediterranean fast-food choices that'll keep you energized and satisfied throughout your busy day. Do you often find yourself in a rush, craving something quick and tasty while you're out and about, but worry it won’t align with the...

DASH Diet vs Mediterranean Diet: Which One is Better?

DASH Diet vs Mediterranean Diet: Which One is Better?

Let’s get familiar with the similarities and differences between the Mediterranean and DASH diets, and which one may be better for you. Did your doctor recently recommend that you prioritize a healthy eating plan? Are you wondering which diet is the best for you to...