Food is personal and so is Fully Mediterranean. All of our services are fully customizable and tailored to your unique needs, goals, and lifestyle.

A tabletop breakfast with several mediterranean dishes.

Individuals who work with Fully Mediterranean:

  • RFeel confident in their lifestyle choices. Implement lasting nutrition and lifestyle changes – no rebound or weight cycling!
  • RUnderstand how to eat to fight disease and promote health while still enjoying every meal
  • ROutsmart disease and live life to the fullest

Nutrition Counseling

Whether you are trying to reach a healthy weight and improve your cholesterol, or simply start living a healthier lifestyle, working one-on-one with a dietitian will give you the tools you need to achieve long-term health.

One-On-One Nutrition Counseling

The “Fully Living” package includes six nutrition counseling sessions centered around the Mediterranean diet and lifestyle education. Each session will provide you with accountability and confidence in your food choices and the tools you need to implement lifelong and healthy living habits.

6 Sessions:

  • RCustom Menu Planning
  • RKitchen and Pantry Revamp
  • RIndividualized Meal Plan
  • RGrocery Shopping Tour
  • RPersonalized Dining Out Guide
  • RHandouts and Guides to Help You Reach Your Goals
Food Ingredients

Meal Planning & Kitchen Makeovers

Meal planning is at the heart of any long-term commitment to eating and enjoying healthy, delicious, and satisfying meals. Together, we will build a menu that is customized to your needs and examine how your kitchen functions for a healthy lifestyle.

Pam In Her Kitchen Serving Grandchildren

Mediterranean Meal Planning 101

Designed for the person who doesn’t have the time to cook or hates to spend time in the kitchen. The ‘Mediterranean Meal Planning 101” package includes three sessions that are focused around the basics of meal planning. You’ll walk away with the tools you need to begin prioritizing your health without having to slave away in the kitchen.

3 Sessions:

  • RIndividualized Meal Plan And Menu Planning
  • RPersonalized Dining Out Guide
  • RHandouts and Guides to Help You Reach Your Goals

Consulting, Speaking & Collaborating

Fully Mediterranean loves working with brands, restaurants, and organizations to bring a health perspective to their products, menus, and services. With your audience in mind, we will deliver a customized nutrition presentation designed to educate and inspire healthy living.

There are many ways to work with Fully Mediterranean including the following:

  • RRecipe development
  • RBrand & menu consulting
  • RCustom nutrition webinars and talks
  • RMedia spokesperson as a Mediterranean diet expert
Food Ingredients