This Easy Mediterranean Grilled Chicken Salad is a colorful and fresh recipe. You’ll know this recipe by heart in no time and you will be able to toss it together for a simple weeknight dinner. We make this recipe with a base of arugula which is a hearty green...
Ready to switch up your usual fried eggs breakfast? Try out our Pesto Eggs with Spinach on Toast for a delicious and savory meal. Instead of cooking your eggs in olive oil, this recipe calls for pesto! Pesto is made with olive oil so it prevents the eggs from...
This Seared Salmon with Mango Salsa is the perfect salty-sweet dinner combo. The fresh mango, red onion and red pepper are a great cold, crisp contrast to the smooth, savory flavors in the salmon. Seasoned with cumin, oregano, salt and pepper, this is a simple...
Here are 14 of our favorite healthy March recipes to enjoy on weekdays or when gathering with friends and family in the warmer weather. Spring is finally around the corner! We always get so excited when a new season arrives because it means we have a whole new set of...
Mix up your usual salad or side dish routine with this amazing air fryer artichoke heart salad! This air fryer artichoke hearts salad went viral on TikTok and for good reason – it’s easy, delicious and a great make ahead meal! We lightened up this recipe a...