This is one of our all time favorite breakfasts! Full of satisfying protein from the eggs, fiber from the spinach and energizing carbohydrates from the hash browns, this meal is guaranteed to keep you full until lunch. We also love that this breakfast looks fancy and...
This tuna salad is so simple yet so full of flavor! Canned tuna is on our list of pantry staples because it is full of protein and omega-3 fatty acids, which reduce inflammation and support brain and heart health. This salad is also loaded with colorful veggies...
This soup is both hearty and light with protein from the turkey and beans, fiber from the beans and vegetables, and plenty of flavor all around! Turkey, Kale, and White Bean Soup 2 tablespoons canola oil1 onion (chopped)1 link mild or hot turkey sausage (casing...
Salmon is a mediterranean favorite. It is a great source of protein and omega-3 fatty acids, which support both brain and heart health by reducing inflammation within the body. Seafood also contains a lot of important micronutrients such as immune-boosting vitamin D....
This chicken is delicious and so satisfying! The blend of spices are what make this chicken so flavorful. The Mediterranean Diet emphasizes big flavors through the use of a variety of spices, fresh herbs and seasonings. In addition to adding a ton of flavor, using...