Dark Chocolate Dessert Hummus is fudgy, rich, and easy to make! Serve with pretzels and berries for sweet and savory bites to share. This dark chocolate hummus recipe can be a fun appetizer or easy dessert to share. Instead of making any food group off limits, like...
Burrata Caprese Salad is a delightful Italian dish made with smooth, creamy burrata, flavorful heirloom tomatoes, and a drizzle of olive oil. Our burrata caprese is perfect as an appetizer or served alongside grilled chicken for a summer dinner. What Is Burrata...
Enjoy this Tropical Mango Banana Green Smoothie for a nutritious way to start your day! Smoothies come together in minutes and this one is balanced with protein, healthy fats and carbohydrates. This refreshing smoothie, from Claire Virga Nutrition, is made with...
We love these Fresh Vegan Spring Rolls with Peanut Dipping Sauce for a fun appetizer, lunch, or dinner. The spring rolls are made with crunchy veggies, herbs, and paired with a peanut dip. While the Mediterranean diet usually includes animal proteins such as...
We’re sharing our favorite Mediterranean diet snacks that are made with great ingredients and will give you a boost of energy until your next meal. You know those afternoon energy crashes or busy days where you just need a quick snack? So you reach for something...