Our pan-seared salmon salad is a satisfying, refreshing and light meal. The crispy salmon salad is full of heart healthy fats, protein, and fiber. Salmon is a great weeknight dinner option because it’s quick to cook and packed with important nutrients. Combining a...
Our spicy broccoli is a tasty and easy recipe to serve as a side dish, to mix into a salad, or for meal prep. This ginger garlic spicy broccoli stir fry is quick to prepare and packed with Asian flavors thanks to the soy sauce and sesame oil. The spice comes...
This Mediterranean breakfast pita is a perfect way to start your morning with a nutrient-dense meal. It has a combination of protein from the eggs and feta, fiber and antioxidants from the spinach, and quality carbohydrates (including fiber) from the whole-grain pita....
This sheet pan recipe simplifies dinnertime and minimizes cleanup. With a colorful blend of veggies, herbs and spices, and chicken, it’s a balanced meal full of flavor. You can find Trader Joe’s Harissa Chicken Thighs at Trader Joes – the chicken is...
This spinach artichoke dip is a great appetizer for entertaining guests, or when you want a dish to take to a party. It’s a healthy spin on the usual spinach artichoke dip, with the added white beans for protein and fiber. This version also uses lower-fat dairy...