This Creamy Cilantro Dressing is a tangy, herb sauce that pairs well with grilled meats, roasted veggies, and fresh salads. Try preparing a batch of this delicious dressing to serve on a variety of meals throughout the week. A fresh salad dressing is a great way...
This Healthy Southwest Chicken Salad is a hearty and satisfying meal made with greens, beans, chicken and a creamy cilantro dressing. We love this recipe because it’s packed with lean protein, fiber, antioxidants and it’s easy to assemble. Try this delicious...
This Mediterranean Fruit Salad with Mint is a refreshing addition to any meal. The salad calls for berries, cantaloupe, grapes, and a little lime. You can get creative and add in your favorite fruit too! The mint adds a unique, zesty flavor and the lime preserves the...
Exploring a more plant-based way of eating? Finding protein-rich vegan recipes can be a challenge. Discover our top picks: 10 Vegan Mediterranean Recipes with 10g+ of Protein. In this post, we share 10 vegan recipes with 10g+ of protein, the benefits of a vegan...
The Mediterranean Diet Food Pyramid is a visual tool used to describe the foods on the Mediterranean diet, highlighting the ones we should aim to increase and reduce for well-being and longevity. Whether you’re new to the Mediterranean diet or looking for sustainable...