How to Stay Healthy While Traveling 

by | Jun 24, 2020

Discover how to stay healthy while traveling! Whether for work or pleasure, maintain your wellness goals with Fully Mediterranean’s 5 Healthy Travel Tips.

Traveling can often pose challenges to maintaining your health and wellness goals. From eating out to navigating a busy schedule, staying on track can be tough, especially when traveling with others who may have different routines and preferences. 

However, learning how to stay healthy while traveling is entirely possible with the right strategies. Follow Fully Mediterranean’s 5 Healthy Travel Tips to taste, move, and fully enjoy your trip without compromising your well-being.

How to eat healthy while traveling 

To eat healthy while traveling, plan ahead and pack nutritious options like nuts, fruits, and whole grain crackers as healthy snacks for travel. Choose balanced meals, stay hydrated, and prioritize local, fresh foods whenever possible to maintain your diet on the go.

Check out Fully Mediterranean’s Top 5 Healthy Travel Tips

how to stay healthy while traveling

If you want to set yourself up for success during your time away from home, keep these 5 main things in mind. From planning ahead to making the right food choices, these hit the key boxes for your wellness.

1. Plan Ahead

Before you go, check out what resources are available to you where you are staying, and begin planning out what you will do to stay active and what you will eat to stay on track with your health goals. 

Research restaurants, walking and running trails, spin classes, and grocery store locations where you are traveling. Taking a run through a new city or checking out a farmer’s market is a great way to see the sights while also supporting your health goals.

Takeaway tip: Do some research and plan exercises into your itinerary. 

2. Focus on Whole Foods

Processed foods are everywhere when you travel! Make an effort to seek out real, whole foods whenever possible. In the airport, look for easy-to-grab fruits like bananas and apples to pair with a single-serve packet of nut butter or a cheese stick for lasting energy. At restaurants, fill half of your plate with veggies by adding a side salad or choosing plant-based meal options. 

Interested to learn  more about healthy eating while dining out? We have a whole other article with 6 tips for dining out

Takeaway tip: Incorporate whole foods into snacks and meals.

3. Eat Before You Hit the Road

Never skip meals before a trip, or you’ll be more inclined to give into processed snacks and unhealthy meals. Instead, check out our Breakfast Basics Blog to see how you can start your travel day with a satiating breakfast containing protein, fat, and fiber.

Takeaway tip: Prepare a meal the night before your trip so you leave satisfied and energized.

4. Pack a Healthy Travel Bag

Create a healthy travel bag with a Ziploc bag or a small pouch for your carry-on. Stock up on single-serving snacks that can tide you over and prevent you from making unhealthy food choices. 

Here are our  top 10 healthy snacks for travel: 

  1. Dried nuts
  2. Turkey jerky
  3. Trail mix
  4. Whole grain crackers 
  5. String cheese
  6. Hard-boiled eggs
  7. Hummus and carrots 
  8. Single-serving tea bags
  9. Popcorn
  10. Bean chips 

Takeaway tip: Choose a few go-to snacks to always be prepared.

5. Hydrate, Hydrate, Hydrate

Between the low humidity on planes, possibly acclimating to a new climate, or just being busy when hitting the road, you can forget to drink. Remember, water is your best defense against fatigue, headaches, and hunger! 

It is necessary for all of our energy functions and allows our immune system to function optimally. It is also very important for digestion and elimination. 

Takeaway tip: Pack a reusable water bottle and aim for two liters per day.

Ready to learn how to stay healthy while traveling? 

how to stay healthy while traveling tips

A little planning goes a long way when it comes to healthy travel. With a few thoughtful preparations, you can stay on track with your wellness goals and fully enjoy your trip. Safe travels and happy adventures!

I often get questions from clients about making better choices when they travel. And the truth is, it’s not as hard as it may seem! With my simple tips and tricks, staying healthy while traveling is doable.

If you’re ready to travel (without feeling like you’re ditching your health goals)– sign up for our Living Fully Mediterranean Course. It’s the complete step-by-step process to following the Mediterranean Diet.  

Looking for More Mediterranean Diet Resources?

Top Mediterranean Fast Food Meal Choices at Common Chains 

6 Tips for Dining Out Without Sacrificing Your Health Goals 

The Complete Guide to a Breakfast That Will Keep You Full & Satisfied All Morning

This post has been updated since its original publish date in May 2020.


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