The Complete Guide to a Breakfast that Will Keep You Full & Satisfied All Morning

by | May 8, 2020

Include These Three Things in Your Breakfast for Energy All Day Long

It can be easy to overlook breakfast as we rush out the door for work or get the kids ready for school in the morning. But skipping breakfast or choosing a highly processed breakfast low in nutrients can affect how you feel all day. Breakfast not only provides us with the energy needed to power our brain and body throughout the morning but also sets us up for a day of healthy decisions. However, not all breakfasts are created equal, which is why we are sharing the three basic components for an energizing, satiating breakfast.

  1. Lean Protein
    Protein will help get your day started on the right foot by fueling your brain to keep you alert and keeping you satisfied until your next meal or snack. A few of our favorite lean protein sources at breakfast include:
  • Eggs in an omelette, frittata, scrambled, or poached
  • Cottage cheese
  • Greek yogurt
  • Nuts, seeds and nut butter
  • Quinoa
Clever Kitchen April 2019 098 4 scaled 1
Clever Kitchen October 16 017 2 scaled 1
  1. Healthy Fat
    Fat is digested slowly and stays in our stomach the longest, keeping us full all morning! Fats in whole foods provide essential vitamins for eyes, blood, and bone health. Plant and some fish-based fats help ease bodily inflammation. To get in some healthy fats at breakfast, try these tips:
  • Top toast with avocado or almond butter
  • Add nuts and seeds to yogurt, oatmeal or smoothies
  • Drizzle eggs with olive oil
  • Make a chia seed pudding
  1. High-Fiber Carbohydrates
    High-fiber carbohydrates will give your brain the quick energy it needs to start your day, while the fiber will help keep you satisfied (and regular!). A few of our favorite ways to include high-fiber carbohydrates at breakfast include:
  • Oatmeal or quinoa bowls
  • Whole grain toast
  • Lots of fruit and veggies like grated zucchini in your oatmeal, loaded veggies in your omelet, or puréed spinach baked into muffins!


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